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Network members

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Caritas Austria

Caritas Austria realizes non-profitable, charitable projects in Austria as well as in other countries. The aim of Caritas Austria is to help people in need and to offer social services. Caritas Austria is a partner and advocate for the poor and marginalised and addresses the basic needs of vulnerable people. The key goals of Caritas Austria are to assist and to enable beneficiaries to provide sustainable perspectives. Caritas expects the beneficiaries to assume an active role in building better living conditions for themselves and encourages them to take on co-responsibility and initiative.

Caritas International Belgium

Caritas International is one of the largest NGO in Belgium and was founded 75 years ago. Caritas Belgium works actively in the field of assistance to migrants in Belgium, and Emergency relief and Development in Asia and Africa. Caritas helps the victims of wars, natural catastrophes and poverty. This assistance is provided without consideration of religious or philosophical convictions or political belonging.

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Dutch Council for Refugees

The Dutch Council for Refugees (VluchtelingenWerk Nederland) is an independent organisation that represents and defends the interests of refugees and asylum seekers through lobby, diplomacy, the media, research, international cooperation and consulting with colleagues and supporters. We devote our efforts to promoting the fair and just treatment of those in a vulnerable position: those who are evicted from home because of war, political violence, their sexual orientation, race and/or religion.

Micado Migration Germany

Micado Migration gGmbH was founded in Saarbrücken in December 2010. Micado Migration‘s focus is on activities in the context of migration and its consequences in both the countries of origin and the countries of immigration. Micado Migration‘s core competencies are consulting, coordination, implementation and evaluation of programs and projects. This also includes carrying out scientific contract studies. Micado Migration participates in networks, both as a member and as the coordinating agency.


Raphaelswerk Germany

Raphaelswerk e.V. is an independent organisation founded by the Catholic Bishops in 1871 to assist emigrants from Germany, i.e. individuals who want to leave Germany. It is an affiliate of the German Caritas.

Danish Refugee Council

The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions.

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Caritas Norway

Caritas Norway was founded in 1952 as Norsk katolsk flyktninghjelp (Norwegian Catholic Help for Refugees) by the Catholic Church in Norway. In 1964 its current name was adopted. Today Caritas Norway is run as an independent humanitarian foundation.

Caritas Europa

Caritas Europa is a network of 49 member organisations in 46 European countries and one of the 7 regions of Caritas Internationalis. Our members assist and provide services to millions of people in need. Caritas Europa aims at lifting people out of poverty by empowering them and by influencing unjust structures and unfair policies that keep people trapped in positions of disempowerment.

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