ERSO members met in Vienna in the context of the closing conference of the Integrated Return Management plus (IRMA plus) project of Caritas Austria.
Present were among others representatives of the Dutch Council for Refugees, Caritas International Belgium, the Danish Refugee Council, RaphaelsWerk Germany, Micado Migration from Germany, Caritas Norway and host Caritas Austria.

The IRMA plus conference gave an insightful overview of a project that supported almost 200 returning migrants to 15 countries of origin in a period of three years. Individual case studies highlighted the importance of professional and thoughtful return counseling, building trust with the returnee and his/her family. Especially with the targeted group of returnees with vulnerabilities like illness, trauma or disability taking the time for an individualized approach clearly bore fruits - in the sense of participants returning with a realistic perspective on building a safe and sustainable livelihood.
The day after the IRMA plus conference the European ERSO members came together for a members meeting. On the agenda were among others the discussion of recent and planned overseas partner visits, an update of focal point information and an exchange with a representative of the ERRIN programme in Austria. Also the 2020 advocacy focus was discussed, it was decided to establish a working group concerning the interests of children in the return process. The rotating chairmanship was handed over to the Danish Refugee Council.