From the 22nd to the 24th of May, the Dutch Council for Refugees hosted the Bi-Annual Members Meeting in Amsterdam. The meeting proved very pleasant and fruitful, thanks to the attendance of almost all of the European members of the network.

On Tuesday the partnrs were welcomed at the office of the Dutch Council for Refugees, where after a short welcome, each gave an update of the situation in their respective country. The rest of the day was spent discussing communication and introducing the topics that were to be discussed in the days to follow. The next day and a half was spent near the Amstel, where the ERSO members drafted a new mission statement, spoke about communication, the network’s budget and international activities, updated the existing focal point system and looked ahead to activities to be developed in the (near) future. All and all, on Thursday, we looked back on a very efficient, engaging and congenial meeting and look forward to the next meeting that is scheduled in fall.